Terms of Service

The following disclaimer applies to all information, services, and products provided by Lavender and Jade Sacred Healing, LLC. By accessing or using our services and products, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this disclaimer.

Lavender and Jade Sacred Healing, LLC offers complementary therapies which are not intended to replace any conventional medical treatments and/or licensed medical care. The services and products provided by Lavender and Jade Sacred Healing, LLC are not medical treatments and should not be treated as such. Lavender and Jade Sacred Healing, LLC and its practitioners are not providing or responsible for medical treatments, diagnoses, or prescription medications. Individual results of services and products sold by Lavender and Jade Sacred Healing may vary and cannot be guaranteed. 

Clients are responsible for their own health and well-being. It is advised to consult with a licensed healthcare provider for any medical concerns or conditions. The information and services provided by Lavender and Jade Sacred Healing, LLC whether in person or through any form of media, is intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice.