


A healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient's body and restore physical and emotional well-being.

Our commitment to comprehensive wellness incorporates a wide range of other healing services, each chosen to complement and enhance your experience, and harmonize all aspects of the body, mind, and spirit.

You session will be

  • Personalized

    Our initial sessions will be dedicated to assessing your current wellness and creating a personalized plan to fit your unique needs and goals.

  • Targeted

    Everyone has pain points when it comes to achieving full body wellness. We’ll work closely with you to help identify and overcome them.

  • Integrative

    Since achieving wellness is more than just exercise and diet, we guide you toward other helpful practices such as mindfulness, meditation, journaling practices, amatherapy, and more.

How you’ll feel…

Relaxed, lighter, and grounded.

Frequently Asked Questions

How should I prepare for my first session?

Please make sure you complete your intake and consent forms before your session. Plan to arrive a little early so you can settle in without feeling rushed. We recommend that you wear comfortable clothing. It’s also good to be well hydrated before your session and it is recommended to avoid caffeine and alcohol. While we typically suggest to avoid eating heavy meals right before, a light healthy snack can be helpful if needed. Come in with an open mind without specific expectations. Our sessions work best when you are relaxed and fully receptive to the experience.

What is the difference between a standard session and an intuitive session?

In a standard session, our practitioners follow a structured set of traditional teachings and techniques. In an intuitive session, our practitioners incorporate their intuition and/or psychic abilities and an intuitive energetic reading is later provided based on any findings. While both standard and intuitive sessions promote relaxation, reduce stress and support healing, an intuitive session incorporates a more personalized and intuitive approach based on the practitioners intuitive insights and guidance during the session.

Do you accept insurance?

Not at this time however we are aiming to accept HSA/FSA payments in the near future. Check back later for updates.

What should I expect from my first session?

After our initial intake conversation where we discuss your session goals, you will lay on a massage table fully clothed in a position that feels comfortable for you. Our office is equipped with leg bolsters, blankets, and eye pillows for added comfort during in-person sessions. We also have a cozy seating area for pre/post discussions or for 1:1 coaching appointments. Private group sessions or public events such as reiki sound baths, guided meditations,  or other workshops may require you to sit or lay on the ground on a yoga mat. 

How often do I need treatment?

Most individuals start off coming weekly or bi-weekly to gauge what works best for them. Depending on your wellness goals and/or current life situation, you may find you need treatment more or less frequently. We recommend that you make appointments at least once per month to maintain the progress that you’ve made. A general rule of thumb is that if you are consistent with your sessions, you will reap the rewards for longer. Lots of our clients build their treatments into their self-care routine and view us no differently than their gym or spa memberships.

What might I feel during a session?

While many people start to feel at ease the moment they interact with us, deep relaxation sets in once your session begins. Clients often report feeling sensations of warmth or coolness, tingling or vibrating, floating, tugging or pressure, and seeing colors, brightness, or darkness. Sometimes old memories or trapped emotions might surface. You might in fact feel nothing at all. No matter what you experience, you are still getting exactly what you need. We provide support to work through anything that may arise during your treatment.

What types of health conditions can these treatments help with?

Although energy therapy is not a cure for any serious health-related condition, many U.S. hospitals, including Johns Hopkins, The Mayo Clinic, Harvard University’s Center for Wellness and Health Promotion, and Penn Medicine’s Cancer Center have adopted Reiki as part of their patient services. As a complementary therapy, Reiki is used to help alleviate symptoms from a variety of physical, mental, and emotional conditions such as: depression, anxiety, migraines, fatigue, insomnia, Parkinson’s Disease, Cancer, and chronic pain.

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